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  • Washburn Cultural Center 1 East Bayfield Street Washburn, WI, 54891 United States (map)

Click here for a virtual tour of Cultivating Resilience.

As in years past, CBAC’s spring show is an event open to the community formed around a suggestive theme. This year’s theme is Cultivating Resilience—Thriving AmidAdversity.

It is proposed that coping with adversity gives depth to art, that through experiencing adversity, we can gain balance and strength of artistic expression. You are invited to explore how adversity—your personal story and/or the collective adversity we have shared over the past year—becomes a creative wellspring for your art.

What is your personal resilience story? What has helped you survive, grow, and even thrive artistically through the past year? What does personal or shared resilience say about the future? We have endured to see a new spring. How might we use this regained hope moving forward?

Spring 2021 Artifacts, CBAC’s quarterly newsletter

Click here for additional information about Cultivating Resilience. Entry forms can be found here.

Additionally, CBAC’s exhibit will feature a participatory poetry component, A Hundred Haiku. Visitors will be invited to write haiku in response to the works exhibited in Cultivating Resilience and display them next the artworks they inspired.

Please note that there will be no public reception for Cultivating Resilience due to COVID-19.